
This is a detailed setup guide for Advanced Notification. If you have any questions before making a purchase, you can contact us on Discord


  • Adding Standard Notification Types - You can add unlimited notification types - Format:

    ['type'] = { -- Notification Type
            title = 'Default Title',    -- Add Default Title
            icon = 'icon name',         -- Add Icon Name
            iconColor = '#C53030',      -- Icon Color

    - You can refer to Fontawesome for icons - If you don't specify an icon or icon color, the system will automatically fetch it from CodeStudio.DefaultNotification

  • Open Notification Panel

    Client Side Event
  • Standard Notification Event

    Export Method
        type = 'twitter',  
        title = 'Twitter',    --Put false if you dont want title
        description = 'This is Sample Notification',
        duration = 3000

    Server Event Method
    TriggerClientEvent('cs:notify', source, {
        type = 'twitter',  
        title = 'Twitter',    --Put false if you dont want title
        description = 'This is Sample Notification',
        duration = 3000

    Client Event Method
    TriggerEvent('cs:notify', {
        type = 'twitter',  
        title = 'Twitter',    --Put false if you dont want title
        description = 'This is Sample Notification',
        duration = 3000
  • Custom Notification Event

    TriggerEvent('cs:notify', {
        type = 'facebook',
        title = 'Facebook',
        description = 'This is Customised Notification',
        duration = 3000,
        style = {
            backColor = '#3a6ecf',
            textColor = "#fff"

Setup Guide Example for QBCore and ESX

  • For QB: Replace QBCore.Functions.Notify with this ⬇️

    function QBCore.Functions.Notify(text, texttype, length)
        TriggerEvent('cs:notify', {
            type = texttype,
            title = false,
            description = text,
            duration = length

  • For ESX: Replace ESX.ShowNotification with this ⬇️

    function ESX.ShowNotification(message, type, length)
        TriggerEvent('cs:notify', {
            type = type,
            title = false,
            description = message,
            duration = length

Last updated