
This is a detailed setup guide for Modern Shops. If you have any questions before making a purchase, you can contact us on Discord

Detailed Config is Provided with the script with detailed information:

Supports: QBCore, ESX, Custom Frameworks


  • Open Shops
    TriggerEvent('cs:shops:openUI', 1) --Shop Number from Config
  • Restock All Items
  • Modify Single Item Stock
    TriggerClientEvent('cs:shop:updateStock', -1, category, itemName, updatedStock)


Creating Items

['tosti'] = {    --Item
    itemName = "Tosti",     --Item Label
    itemQuantity = 50,      --Item Available Stock
    itemPrice = 2,          --Item Price
    itemInfo = "Delicious grilled sandwich",    --Item Description
    itemMetaData = {},      --Supports Item Meta Data
    requiredJob = {        --Supports Multiple Jobs Restriction with job grades
        ['police'] = {1,2},
        ['taxi'] = {1},
    requiredGang = {--Supports Multiple Gangs Restriction with gang grades [*Only QB]
        ['ballas'] = {1,2},
        ['lostmc'] = {1},
    requiredLicense = {'weapon', 'driver'}    --Supports License Check

Creating Shops

[1] = { --Shop Number
    ShopName = 'Weapon Store',  --Shop Name
    Category = {        --Category with Order
        [1] = 'weapons',
        [2] = 'ammo'
    Locations = {       --You Can Add Multiple Locations
        vector4(-661.96, -933.53, 21.83, 177.05),
        vector4(809.68, -2159.13, 29.62, 1.43),
    Interaction = {
        targetIcon = 'fas fa-gun',      --Target Icon
        targetLabel = 'Open Weapon Store',  --Shop Target/Text Label
        radius = 2.5,   --Interaction Radius
        spawnPed = 's_m_y_ammucity_01',  -- Put false if you dont need ped
        scenario = 'WORLD_HUMAN_COP_IDLES',  --Ped Scenario Animation put false if you dont need
    Blips = {
        Enable = true,      --Enable/Disable Blips
        blipsprite = 110,
        blipscale = 0.6,
        blipcolor = 0,
    requiredJob = {        --Supports Multiple Jobs Restriction with job grades
        ['police'] = {1,2},
        ['taxi'] = {1},
    requiredGang = {    --Supports Multiple Gangs Restriction with gang grades [*Only QB]
        ['ballas'] = {1,2},
        ['lostmc'] = {1},

Additional detailed guidance can be found in the config itself. If you need further assistance, please feel free to contact us on Discord.

Last updated