
This is a detailed setup guide for Billing/Invoice System. If you have any questions before making a purchase, you can contact us on Discord

Create Custom Invoice (CLIENT & SERVER SIDE)

  • Export To Create Custom Invoice/Bill

        playerID = source, --Player's ID to whom you want to send an invoice
        society = 'police', --Invoice Society Name
        society_name = 'LSPD', --Invoice Society Label
        amount = 100, --Invoice Amount
        senderID = source,         --[OPTIONAL] Invoice Sender's ID
        title = 'Police Invoice',  --[OPTIONAL] Invoice Title
        notes = 'Please Pay ASAP', --[OPTIONAL] Invoice Notes


  • Export to Fetch All Society Bills

    local allBills = exports["cs_billing"]:fetchSocietyBills(job)

  • Export to Fetch All Bills of a Player with an Identifier

    local allBills = exports["cs_billing"]:fetchBills(identifier)

Export to Force Pay Bill Overdue By PlayerID (SERVER SIDE ONLY)

TriggerEvent('cs:billing:overDueCheck', player_id)

Last updated