
This is a detailed setup guide for Radial Menu. If you have any questions before making a purchase, you can contact us on Discord



CodeStudio = {}

CodeStudio.Keybind = 'F1'           --FiveM Keyboard, this is registered keymapping, so you can change in keybindings
CodeStudio.Toggle = true            --Toggle mode. False requires hold of key
CodeStudio.UseWalking = false       --You can use the menu while walking
CodeStudio.Blur = true              --Toggle Blur
CodeStudio.Moving_Background = true    --Toggle Background Moving Circles 

Usage example

When looking at the config it can be intimidating but read this format and it will help!

CodeStudio.Menus = { -- this is the main table for the menu
    [1] = { -- index of the menu option, this must be in order numerically
        id = 'mainmenu', -- id of the menu option, this must be unique!
        title = 'Main Menu Option', -- title shown on the menu option
        icon = 'fas fa-user', -- Supports Font Awesome
        submenu = { -- anything in the items table is considered a sub menu!
                id = 'submenu',
                title = 'Sub Menu Option',
                icon = 'fas fa-circle',
                type = '', -- event type to call, client/server/command
                event = '', -- event name to call or command name to call
                shouldClose = true -- enable/disable menu closing on click
            { -- example of adding another sub menu item
                id = 'submenu2',
                title = 'Another Sub Menu',
                icon = 'fas fa-circle',
                submenu = { -- example of adding a sub menu inside a sub menu
                        id = 'nestedsubmenu',
                        title = 'Nested Sub Menu Option',
                        icon = 'fas fa-circle',
                        type = '', -- event type to call, client/server/command
                        event = '', -- event name, command name
                        shouldClose = true -- enable/disable menu closing on click
    [2] = { -- example of adding another main menu item
        id = 'mainmenu2',
        title = 'Another main menu item',
        icon = 'bars',
        items = {
                id = 'submenu3',
                title = 'Sub Menu',
                icon = 'fas fa-circle',
                type = '',
                event = '',
                shouldClose = true
    [3] = { -- example of adding job/work menu item
        id = 'mainmenu3',
        title = 'Work Menu',
        workMenu = true,    --Put workMenu = true to whichever menu you want to make work menu
        icon = 'fas fa-circle',
        submenu = true,     --Put this true and Edit CodeStudio.WorkMenu For this
  • Events Triggered When

    Openning of Menu

    Closing of Menu

  • Export To Add & Remove Menu Items [With this, you can add new options to the radial menu from other resources and remove them as needed]

        id = 'put_up_vehicle',  -- id of the menu option, this must be unique!
        title = 'Park Vehicle', -- title shown on the menu option
        icon = 'fa-image',  -- Supports Font Awesome
        type = 'client', -- event type to call, client/server/command
        event = 'qb-garages:client:ParkVehicle',  -- event name, command name
        shouldClose = true  -- enable/disable menu closing on click

Last updated