
This is a detailed setup guide for Drug Selling + Level Based Script. If you have any questions before making a purchase, you can contact us on Discord

Setting Up the Script

  1. Script Supports QB and ESX Frameworks Only

  2. Script Support qb-target, ox_target

  3. CodeStudio.MaxLevel is Max Drug Level that a player can reach and CodeStudio.XPNeedToLevel is How much XP each level contains (Ex. 100XP = 1 Level)

  4. CodeStudio.PriceChangeAtNight It will multiply drug selling prices at night (Disable is 0)

  5. CodeStudio.MaxQSellDrug is the Maximum Quantity of Drug, Player can sell at one time to NPC

  6. You can customize animations in the config

  7. Drug Selling Rewards can be configured between cash/bank or any item CodeStudio.Reward_Type = 'cash' --'cash/bank/item_name'

  8. Configurable Admin Command to manage XP System

  9. You can add your own police dispatch system Examples are given in the config itself

  10. Add Drug Zones and Customise Levels

  11. Put Drug Item Images in cs_selldrug/ui/assets/img so they can appear in the UI

  12. Customize Drug Selling List with XP and random Prices

Events and Exports

Client Side

  1. Open Drug Dealer UI

Last updated