
This is a detailed setup guide for Modern Skew HUD. If you have any questions before making a purchase, you can contact us on Discord

Detailed Config is Provided with the script with detailed information:

Supports: QBCore and ESX


  • Toggle Hud Display
    TriggerEvent('cs:hud:displayUI', true)  --true/false to hide/show hud


Trigger Notifications

Client Side

exports['cs_hud']:Alert('Title', 'Message', Time, 'type')

Server Side

TriggerClientEvent('cs:hud:Alert', source, 'Title', 'Message', Time, 'type')


  • 1000 = 1 second.


  • success

  • primary

  • error

Additional detailed guidance can be found in the config itself. If you need further assistance, please feel free to contact us on Discord.

Last updated